Performing Arts Filming Specialists
Filming all types of Performing Arts including Dance Shows, School Productions, Amateur Dramatics, Theatre Productions & Pantomimes
Numerous Viewing Options
You can choose any mix of DVD, Blu-ray, USB, Online stream and Digital Download.
DVD or Blu-ray for standard players, Online streaming & Digital Downloads for any capable device, and our USB’s without copy protection added, can be viewed easily on a Smart TV.
Any Length of Show
You don’t need to worry about the length of your show and if you might incur any additional costs, our filming package price includes any length of show up to 4 hours, providing our agreed minimum order is reached in full, before finalising and preparing your bulk delivery.
Low Minimum Order
Our minimum order is only 40 units, but don’t worry if you only have a small school. Please give us a call, as we can probably tailor a bespoke package for you.
Your school can sell directly to your students or we can take care of the whole process for you.
Multiple Manned Cameras
We always try and film all shows with at least 3 cameras 2 of which are manned to ensure that we cover all aspects of your show with a wide shot showing off the full choreography, accompanied with detailed filming and close ups to bring the absolute best out of your show.
Professional Editing
We put as much time and effort into editing your show as we do into filming it. We try to make sure that every bit of the show is covered not only showing the overall choreography but also capturing those special closeups of all cast members to produce an exiting and entertaining video its not unusual to have over 1000 edited cuts in a 2 hour show!
High Quality Media
Many of our competitors try to compress up to 3 hours of footage onto a single DVD which greatly reduces the quality, or split the show over multiple DVD’s. For longer shows we use Dual Layer Disks to provide the best image quality possible without having to get up part way through to change disks. All of our DVDs and Blu-rays have a full face colour print supplied in a high quality case with full printed cover.
Copy Protection
Unlike most of our competitors we can copy protect your media for enhanced child protection and security*.
Bespoke Options
If you only have a small school or require something a bit different give us a call we can probably tailor a bespoke package just for you*.
Item marked with an * may be subject to additional costs