Before purchasing/redeeming any Online Stream or Pay Per View Video’s, please read the following:-
You are purchasing an “Online Stream” NOT a “Digital Download” you will always need to login to view your purchase.
You are purchasing an “Online Stream” NOT a “Digital Download” you will always need to login to view your purchase.
If you have purchased a Pre-Paid Online Stream You will find a unique code on your printed pre paid voucher.
Follow the instructions printed on this voucher to locate your show, Select ‘Lifetime Views’ add this product to your basket and continue through the full checkout process using your voucher code to obtain your Online Stream.
Once purchased you can view your online stream via your account using the ‘My Account’ button on the right of the main menu, you can watch on up to 3 different devices/ip addresses. These stream limitations will be refreshed every 3 months to allow for greater flexibility, so you may update your devices/ip addresses in the future.
If you have purchased a stream once view you will have a limited time frame to watch your stream, if the specified time expires you will need to make a new purchase to watch the video again.
If you appear to have a problem, please let us know immediately with your user name, stream id and what the problem is.
The Moving Memories Productions Team.