Wedding & Celebration Filming

Wedding & Celebration Filming is a key service that we specialise in. From recording your big Wedding Day, Wedding Anniversary, Birthday Party or Life Celebration. Whether it be recording a remembrance service, funeral ceremony, or just eulogies and tributes by family and friends.

We will always be able to help capture and deliver the highest quality film enabling you to relive and share those special memories with family and friends once again.

On the day itself we make every effort to be as unobtrusive as we can, ensuring the happy couple and any individuals celebrating remain the key focus throughout their big day.

Our camera crew/s will arrive in plenty of time ahead of your big event. This allows us to record the decorations, ambience and as much of the build-up leading up to your event including guest arrivals. We have specific packages for filming Weddings which will cover various aspects of the day. However, if you wanted to enquire about a more bespoke package or wanted to equire about us covering a Party or Life Celebration then we would be happy to chat through any requirements, before quoting in full.

If you would like us to supply or recommend a digital stills photographer then please get in touch as we may be able to assist you with this as we work very closely with many professional photographers.

To Book our Filming Services click below

Wedding & Celebration Filming

Digital Archived Master Copy

We do our best to archive a digital master copy of all our filmed events and productions.  If you would like to order any additional copies at a later date then please call to discuss which event or production you are interested in. Providing the master copy is still available, we can then confirm the full costs including postage.

Wedding Filming

Richard went above and beyond for my wife and I on our wedding
day. He captured moments which no amount of photos could ever have.
Highly recommend.

Nathan Roxburgh

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